Issue a Good Standing Certificate for a Health Professional
About this service
Service process
Login to the MoHAP website or smart app using the UAE PASS to apply for the service
Submit the required documents as per the type of sector, and pay the required amount
If the conditions are met, the applicant will receive the certificate by email It can be downloaded from the website or smart app as well
Required documents
Medical staff in the private sector:
A copy of a valid passport
A copy of a valid passport
An experience certificate issued from the private medical facility, approved by the medical director
In case of license cancellation please attach the cancellation letter from MOHAP
Medical staff in the government sector:
A letter of experience from the Department of Human Resources - Ministry of Health and Prevention or Emirates Health Services from Bayanati
An electronic experience certificate for licensing purposes, signed by the medical/technical director from HR gate of Emirates Health Services
A letter of experience from the employer approved by the outsourcing company. It should include the dates of experience, the name of the facility in which the employee works, which must be affiliated with the Emirates Health Services (EHS)
A copy of the license issued by MOHAP
A copy of valid passport
Copy of evaluation certificate (issued by the MOHAP)
Conditions and requirements
Good standing certificate will not be issued to a trainee, a visitor, or to who only has an initial license
Good standing certificate will not be issued to those who are not licensed by the Ministry of Health and prevention
The customer must be licensed by the Ministry of Health and Prevention for more than 3 months
The customer must not have been sentenced for a medical offense or violation that prohibits the issuance of the certificate
The certificate is valid for 6 months from the date of issuance
Medical staff in the private sector:
For the pharmacist or assistant pharmacist: A letter of experience from the employer, certified by the Department of Medicine in the Ministry of Health and Prevention
For the manual license: specifying the purpose of the application (issue of a good professional conduct certificate)
Medical staff in the government sector:
The customer must have evaluation certificate or licensed by the Ministry of Health and Prevention
Service completion duration
3 working days
Service fees
Nursing professionals, medical professionals and doctors: AED 500
Pharmacists and assistant pharmacists: AED 300
Service channels
- MOHAP smart app
SDGs goals
Service locations
- MOHAP Website -
- MOHAP Smart App
- Email:
- Call Center: 80011111
Payment channels
- E-payment
Target audience
Medical physicians and dentists
Specialist and consultant doctors
Technicians, nurses and midwives
Alternative medicine practitioners
Pharmacists and assistant pharmacists
Service category
Sub service category
Individual services (general)
Main service
Licensing of Medical Professionals
Service code
Service classification
- Government to customer
Service type
Sub service type
Number of transactions
Please note that if the applicant works in one of the private outsourcing companies contracting with the Emirates Health Services Corporation, he must apply for a service card to obtain a certificate of good standing and professional conduct in the government sector
This service accepts documents authenticated with the UAE PASS Digital Seal.
Service completion duration
3 working days
Service fees
Nursing professionals, medical professionals and doctors: AED 500
Pharmacists and assistant pharmacists: AED 300
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