Ministry of Health and Prevention revealed that Smoking Quitters Percentage Increased to 122% In Two Years
The Ministry of Health and Prevention (MoHAP) revealed that the number of those who visited Smoking Cessation Clinics in 2018 has risen by 47% compared to the year 2016. Also, the number of people who quitted tobacco products in 2018 has increased by 122% compared to 2016.
These outcomes are part of MoHAP’s Achievement Report on the occasion World No Tobacco Day, which falls on May 31st.
According to the World Health Organization, this year’s theme is ‘Tobacco and Lung Health” which aims at raising the awareness about the negative impact of tobacco on lung health and diseases associated with smoking such as cancer and chronic respiratory disease.
16 Smoking Cessation Clinics
In this context, H.E. Dr. Hussein Abdel-Rahman Al-Rand, Undersecretary of the Ministry’s Health Assistant Sector, Health Centers and Clinics, pointed to the UAE’s precedence in joining WHO’s Framework Convention on Tobacco Control 2005, as well as enacting legislations required to combat tobacco and adopting the best international practices.
Al Rand underscored that MoHAP has spared no effort to combat tobacco as part of its keenness on society health and that the health of the next generations begins with their protection from smoking and its harmful effects.
“To do so, MoHAP has adopted the best international practices in this regard, including the establishment of 16 Smoking Cessation Clinics, in addition to a plan for expanding and further supporting those service in the coming years,” he added.
MOHAP is conducting several awareness campaigns on the hazards of smoking, as well as building effective partnerships with various public sectors to activate the articles of Tobacco Control Law.
Certified Trainers and Doctors from Mayo Clinic
Dr. Al Rand also said that MoHAP has adopted lots of initiatives aiming to raise awareness about smoking hazards and encourage smokers to quit smoking, besides other initiatives to achieve the national indicator for reducing tobacco use.
He explained that smoking cessation clinics comprise certified trainers and doctors from Mayo Clinic. When visiting the clinic, the smoker undergoes a comprehensive assessment including his addiction to nicotine and his willingness to quit smoking. Then, the competent team measures the percentage of Carbon Monoxide to identify the treatment plan. After that, the behavioral support is provided to the smoker along with prescribing the appropriate medications.
Another role for smoking cessation clinics is to raise the awareness of both smokers and non-smokers through distributing educational leaflets and awareness film screenings, in addition using various illustrations to clarify the great impact of smoking.
Health Survey Outcomes
The outcomes of the National Health Survey 2018 showed that smoking among adult male has dropped to 15.6%, compared to 21% in 2010. The smoking percentage among adult female was 2.4%.
According to the Global Adult Tobacco Survey 2013, the percentage of smoking among teenagers (13 – 15 years) was 16% among males, and 8% among females. The work is underway to update these outcomes through the conduction of a new survey.
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