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6th Oct, 2019
Healthcare Issues

The Ministry of Health and Prevention (MoHAP) revealed that it will showcase a new nursing educational and promotional project during its participation at GITEX Technology Week 2019, Dubai.

MoHAP added that the new project is built on the 3-Dimensional Virtual Reality (3D – VR) and is tailored to make the learning experience more attractive and interactive.

The project, which is part of the initiative “Enhancing Attractiveness of Nursing Profession”, is targeting secondary school graduates and visitors to further highlight the importance of the nursing profession and motivate the individuals to study nursing.

Unconventional Method of Learning and Promotion

H.E. Dr. Youssif Al Serkal, Assistant Undersecretary for the Ministry’s Hospitals Sector, stressed the importance of exploiting 3D and VR technologies in previewing the ideal workday of the nursing staff in the workplace and the hospital environment, by creating sensory simulation environment providing an audiovisual experience.

Al Serkal noted that the new project provides an unconventional method of learning and promotion, in addition to offering an educational and hands-on environment with very real interactions reflecting the modern virtual reality.

“Those interactions are one of the project advantages, as they are considered the most successful educational and promotional ways to raise the community awareness about the importance of the nursing profession and to foster the positive image of nursing,” he added.

The Role of Innovative Technology in Stimulating Citizens to Meet the Country Needs for Nursing Professionals

Al Serkal further said: “MoHAP has adopted a number of initiatives and programs to increase Emiratization in the nursing profession in coordination educational, health and media partners, as well as the authorities concerned with Emiratization and development of human cadres.”

He expected that the new innovative project would help encourage youth citizens to further appreciate the nursing profession, not only that but to study nursing and meet the country needs for national nursing staff, in accordance with the objectives of the National Agenda 2021.

Highlighting the Role of Nursing in Caring and Saving Lives of Injured and Patients

“Visitors to MoHAP platform at GITEX will enjoy an outstanding experience of the virtual sensory interaction with patients through VR technology. They will also learn more about the exceptional role of nursing in saving lives of patients and injured, as well as the impactful and tangible role of nursing in the healthcare field,” said Dr. Sumaya Al Balushi, Director of Nursing Department, MoHAP.

She added: “The project provides a journey into the nursing world which includes virtual places such as Emergency rooms, pediatric intensive care, outpatient clinics, and pulmonary resuscitation department. During this virtual journey, the trainee will prepare electric shock devices for cardiac arrest following road accidents, in addition to installing and preparing blood pressure measuring devices and giving medications.”

Thank You …. You Saved My Life

Al Balushi added that the interactive trainee can visit, during his virtual journey, the Intensive Care Nursery (ICN), where he provides care for the newborn and gives vaccines, in addition to performing phototherapy for jaundice and how to deal with this disease.

Once the trainee completes these assignments, a thank you message appears with a request to give the baby milk to drink happily.

Upon visiting outpatient clinics, the trainee will take the vital signs and provide and a detailed report on the case. The journey also includes another task which is educating patients on ways of the self-injecting, checking blood pressure and blood sugar.

At the pulmonary resuscitation department, the trainee will learn some indicator helping him to perform this process, which is one of the most difficult tasks. In this process, sound effects are used to increase the trainee’s feeling of tension until he successfully ends his task.

After every successful task, the patient will send a written and voice message to the trainee saying “Thank you …. You saved my life”.

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