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7th Jun, 2014
Healthcare Issues
1318 وزير الصحة يصدر قرارا بتسجيل 156 صنف دوائي جديد مع تخفيض أسعار 11 صنف دوائي. د. الاميري الامارات اكثر الدول جذبا للشركات العالمية في تسجيل ادويتها المبتكرة كأول دوله بالشرق الاوسط وشمال افريقيا.jpg�

His Excellency Abdul Rahman Al Owais, Minister of Health issued a ministerial decision to approve and register about 231 pharmaceutical resembled and innovative local, regional and global medicines. The decision was based on the recommendations of the National Higher Committee for Registration and Pricing headed by Dr. Amin Hussein Al Amiri, Assistant Undersecretary for Public Health and Licensing in the attendance of representatives from the Ministry of Health, Abu Dhabi and Dubai Health Authorities and a number of national universities and Dubai Healthcare City.
Dr. Amin Hussein Al Amiri, Assistant Undersecretary for Health Policies and Licensing, Deputy Head of the National Higher Committee for Registration and Pricing stated that the UAE is one of the most attractive countries to global drugs manufacturing and resembled and innovative companies based on the international standards of pharmaceutical registration and the application of transparency concepts.
“The prices of 11 medicines for treating blood and hormonal disorders, allergies and auto-immune diseases have been reduced. The new medicines are prescribed to treat blood diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, allergy, hormone disorders, auto-immune diseases, tumors, bronchial asthma, diseases of the digestive system and others. the UAE enforces standards on registration of medicines and ensures that there are no delays. At least 7,500 medicines have currently been registered for use in the UAE. The committee approved the establishment of 252 pharmaceutical drug of which 195 new, 57 traded items that have been previously revised.” he explained.
Furthermore, His Excellency the Minister of Health issued a ministerial decision to reduce the prices of 11 medicines for treating blood and hormonal disorders, allergies and auto-immune diseases have been reduced by between 1 and 56 per cent as part of the ministry’s initiative to enhance its communication with global companies based on its partnership with these companies to support patients, health and therapeutic services in the UAE.

It is noted that the United Arab Emirates represented by the Ministry of Health set a number of initiatives in the previous three years to reduce the drug items after a thorough study and coordination with these companies to have a positive impact

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