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Content is retrieved from Sharik
21st Oct, 2014
Healthcare Issues
1354 الصحة تطلق الحملة الوطنية لمكافحة سرطان الثدي2014.jpg�

The maternal and child care center in the Ministry of Health inaugurated the breast cancer national campaign under the title “20 minutes…screen now”. The event was attended by Dr. Aisha Suhail, Director of Primary Healthcare Department in the Ministry and Mohammed Abdulla Al Zarooni, Director of Sharjah Medical District, Dr. Hessa Al Ghazal, Director of maternal and child care center, Dr. Mona Al Sebelhi, Technical Coordinator of the breast cancer national early screening program.

The campaign aims for increasing the health awareness of the community members, enhancing health safety and highlighting the diseases early screening tests leading to easy diagnosis and treatment. The event included a health exhibition including self-tests, blood sugar test, hypertension, osteoporosis tests in addition to a video about the accomplishments of the previous campaigns, statistics and disease percentage.

The campaign also included an awareness video about the breast cancer national campaign which was participated by a number of students from several schools, regular tests and competitions for the employees as well as the smart clinic initiative which was submitted by the Ministry of Health. The natural breast feeding division called for the importance of reducing the disease and the importance of regular checkup and early screening.

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