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24th Oct, 2015
Healthcare Issues
1397 الإمارات تشارك في الاجتماع الثاني للجنة وزراء الصحة بدول مجلس التعاون.jpg�

A high-level delegation from the UAE Ministry of Health (MoH), led by His Excellency (H.E.) Abdul Rahman Al Owais, Minister of Health, successfully participated in the 2nd Meeting of the GCC Committee of Health Ministers, which was held last October 21, 2015 in Doha, Qatar. The meeting, which was chaired by Qatar Health Minister H.E. Abdullah Bin Khalid Al Qahtani, was held in the presence of H.E. Dr. Abdul Latif Bin Rashid Al Zayani, the Secretary General of the GCC for the Arab States of the Gulf and drew participation from the Health Ministers from GCC countries. 

Minister Al Owais said, “The committee of Health Ministers represents an advanced integrated platform that demonstrates how we can pursue stronger cooperation and coordination among GCC countries, which includes the move to develop key health standards and guidelines for the third millennium. The health and welfare of Gulf citizens is our top priority, which also complements the vision of the UAE government to enhance and improve health-related services as part of the move to address all health issues and maintain health security.”

The Minister also lauded the recommendations made by the UAE government to reinforce collaborative ties with fellow GCC countries to bring us closer to achieving sustainable development in the health segment and being in compliance with set international standards and guidelines. Al Owais also pointed out that these recommendations supports the updated GCC Plan 2014-2015, which is directed towards the prevention and reduction of non-communicable diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure and obesity. 

Meanwhile, GCC Secretary General Al Zayani, commended the committee and its continuing work towards improving health care in the region. He also encouraged the committee members to support all efforts and initiatives that are aimed at strengthening the GCC cooperative.

The UAE delegation attending the meeting was composed of MoH officials that included H.E. Nasser Al Bdour, Assistant Undersecretary and Office Manager of the Minister; H.E. Awad Sagher Al Ketbi, Assistant Undersecretary for the Support Services Sector and Bader Abdullah Al Ali, Senior Administrator for the Minister’s Office.


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