MoHAP honors blood donors in acknowledgment of their great humanitarian action

The Ministry of Health and Prevention, MoHAP, recently organized a virtual honoring ceremony for blood donors in recognition of their tremendous efforts and their great humanitarian role in saving lives of thousands of patients, as well as to strengthen the spirit of humanitarian and voluntary action through blood donation, owing to its importance in improving patient’s health and in ensuring the availability of sufficient quantities of safe blood and its products in normal and emergency conditions, while taking the best preventive and precautionary measures to curb COVID-19 infection.
Held in the presence of His Excellency Dr. Hussein Abdel Rahman Al-Rand, Undersecretary of the Ministry’s Health Assistant Sector, Health Centers, and Clinics and Chairman of the Supreme National Committee for Blood Transfusion Services, Safia Al Shamsi, Director of Sharjah Blood Transfusion and Research Center, and a number of MoHAP employees, the event included videos about the contributions of blood donors and the significance of blood donation, in addition to showcasing pictures of donors’ contributions throughout the past years.
The ceremony concluded with distributing certificates of appreciation to blood donors in acknowledgment of their humanitarian role.
Pay tribute to humanitarian work
In his opening remarks, Dr. Hussein Abdel Rahman Al-Rand underscored MoHAP’s keenness to hold this event annually to pay tribute blood donors for their positive contributions and roles in ensuring the availability of safe blood units that save lives of thousands of those who in need of blood transfusion as part of their medical and surgical procedures. Such events also aim to raise community awareness about the need for safe blood for everyone in need.
He pointed out that blood donation is a healthy and civilized behavior that reflects the deeply-rooted values of volunteer and giving in the UAE society and at the heart of it the Emirati people who are always at the forefront of blood donors.
The UAE is well-known by preserving rare blood types
Al Rand added: “In the UAE, we take pride that all our blood supply comes from blood donation by 100%. Not only that but the UAE is well-know at the regional level by the quality and safety of blood transfusion services, the preservation and provision of rare blood types for emergencies and crises, and the development of cryopreservation techniques to establish a unique strategy for blood banks in building a strategic stockpile of blood units, thanks to the directives of the wise leadership and the support of society segments who are our main partner in the healthcare sector.”
“Perhaps blood donors are a living example of this partnership, thanks to their effective response. I would say that we have now a large group of people that always take the lead to donate their blood without being asked to. And today we are proud of the presence of such groups of blood donors who continue to give.”
Concluding his remarks, Al Rand said: “On this occasion, I would like to convey MoHAP’s appreciation and acknowledgment to the supports who organize blood donation drives on a regular basis. We are also proud of citizens and residents who donate their blood to save thousands of lives, especially during the COVID-19 crisis which has demonstrated the efficiency, success, and excellence of the UAE’s health system, in accordance with testimonies of international organizations.”
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